/ / Holiday cakes for birthday, wedding and anniversary / Birthday

Cake with ornament and peony flower

A wonderful cake for a girl's birthday. The ornament covering the entire side surface makes the cake look elegant and expensive.

Cake with ornament and red peony flower made of chocolate

There is a large peony flower made of chocolate on the cake.

Red chocolate peony flower on cake for woman

The pattern made with red and gold paints decorates the entire side surface of the cake.

Cake pattern for girls and women's birthday

The ornament on the back side:

Beautiful cake with ornament for a girl in Vilnius

Buy the cake with ornaments and a peony in Vilnius: price and contacts. Can be made without sugar.

Kseniia Filippova Vilnius, Taikos g. 239
Maisto tvarkymo pažymėjimo numeris: 69MTSPĮ-5339